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mysql where子句bug?

发布时间:2022-11-25 21:31:41 所属栏目:MySql教程 来源:未知
导读: I programmed the following in php and mysql:
$id = $_GET['id'];
if ($stmt = $db->prepare("SELECT disco, fecha, amazon from discos where id=? LIMIT 1")) {

I programmed the following in php and mysql:

$id = $_GET['id'];  
if ($stmt = $db->prepare("SELECT disco, fecha, amazon from discos where id=? LIMIT 1")) {
    $stmt->bind_param("i", $id);    /* NOTE: "s" doesn't work */

    $stmt->bind_result($disco, $fecha, $amazon);        
        /* Do some stuff */


The thing is, when the value of $id is,for example: 100abcdMySQL where 子句, the query still fetches, whereas it shouldn't, as there is no id called like that, BUT it fetches the id 100.

Why is this happening? Thanks.

