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mysql – 为什么这些查询产生不同的结果?

发布时间:2021-05-17 04:48:51 所属栏目:MySql教程 来源:网络整理
导读:我已经运行了这两个看起来像他们做同样事情的查询,但给出了不同的结果: SELECT COUNT(stage1) AS total FROM progress_status WHERE stage1 = 3 AND stage2 != 3 AND stage3 !=3 AND stage4 !=3 AND stage5 !=3;# total = 90SELECT COUNT(stage1) AS tota


SELECT COUNT(stage1) AS total 
FROM progress_status 
WHERE stage1 = 3 
AND stage2 != 3 AND stage3 !=3 AND stage4 !=3 AND stage5 !=3;

# total = 90

SELECT COUNT(stage1) AS total 
FROM progress_status 
WHERE stage1 = 3 
AND (stage2,stage3,stage4,stage5) != (3,3,3)

# total = 314
最佳答案 第二个是:

AND (stage2 != 3 OR stage3 !=3 OR stage4 !=3 OR stage5 !=3);

